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Anthropology Lecture Series

The department of Social and Cultural Anthropology is proud to present its Anthropology Lecture Series. Every semester, we invite various speakers from in and out of the University of Bayreuth to present exciting topics to students, fellow researchers and everyone else who is interested. Please feel free to join us!

When: every Tuesday at 6.15 p.m.
Where: at IWALEWA-Haus
Accessibility: IWALEWA-Haus is wheelchair accessible. Please send an email to alessia.filippo@uni-bayreuth.de if you will require assistance.

Anthropology Lecture Series Summer 2024

Anthropology Lecture Series - Summer Term 2024


Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jia Hui Lee

Please also follow us on e-learning or the ASP-KUWI-mailing list for further information.

A detailed program can be found here.

"For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone…"       

     - “A Litany for Survival,” Audre Lorde (1978)

The “brink” is invoked to express expectation and trepidation, sentiments of being on the verge of dramatic change or interruption. To be on the brink of war, or on the brink of discovery, is to describe the impending arrival of possible futures. The brink can also indicate a margin or a border: the edge of a cup, the precipice of a cliff, the beginning of a life stage. It describes, too, as Lorde’s poem illustrates, moments of transition and transformation. The brink, therefore, calls attention to possibilities, places, and practices that deal with liminality, marginality, potentiality, and rupture. 

“On The Brink,” the theme of the Anthropology Lecture Series 2024, invites talks that feature cutting-edge research, theoretical intervention, or methodological innovation in anthropology and its allied disciplines on topics that places us “on the brink.” These talks speak to unsettled environmental and political times, where the world appears to be on the brink of dire ecological change. Ongoing wars, new Global South alliances, and far-right movements are reconfiguring the global order of power. They are accompanied by rapid transformations in technology and artificial intelligence, that in turn upend discussions about race, sex, gender, and class. Experiences of marginality amidst rising inequality, migration, and ageing augur uncertain ruptures in society. These talks invite you to join us in asking: “What are we on the brink of?” 

23 April            

ON THE BRINK of Techno Capitalism: Lifescaping Toxic Chemical Exposure among Informal Electronic Waste Recyclers in Dar es Salaam
Samwel Ntapanta, Bayreuth/Aarhus

30 April

The Nuclear Bunker as an Archive of the Future: On the Brink of Time
Maria Rentetzi, Erlangen

7 May

Voyagers from the Depths of Time: Spirits, Plastics, and the Living Tide of an Indian Ocean Island
Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko, Freiburg

14 May

(Un)told Stories of Migrants Returning from the USA to Mexico
Eveline Dürr, Munich 

28 May

Book Launch: Breathing Hearts
Nasima Selim, Bayreuth with Omar Kasmani, Berlin

4 June

Doing Public Anthropology in Turbulent Times
Paul Stoller, Erlangen

11 June **ONLINE ONLY**

From Suspension to Suspense: Chinese Society at a Turning Point?
Biao Xiang, Halle

18 June

Colonial Inhalations: Wastemen and E-Waste Work in Necropolitical Ghana
Kwame Otu, Washington D.C.

25 June

The Productive Power of Backlogs: Building a Forensic DNA Database in South Africa
Noah Tamarkin, Ithaca

Read interviews with some of our speakers in the Anthropology Lecture Series

2023 Summer semester:

Judith Albrecht (Humboldt University of Berlin)Einklappen
Judith Albrecht

Domestic violence and femicides in Germany and Iran: families as a place of uncertainty
(Please click for full interview)

Presentation date: June 6, 2023
Interview done by Lilli Minow.

Abstrakt Praxisseminar Interview mit Judith Albrecht
Im Juni 2023 als Ergänzung zum anthropologischen Kolloquium wurde die Anthropologin Judith Albrecht interviewt. Im Laufe des Interviews wurde unterandrem über ihre ak-tuellen Forschung zu Angehörigen von Mordopfern in Berlin gesprochen, ihre For- schungsmethoden wurden erläutert und sie sprach über das Forschen während der Corona Pandemie. Darüber hinaus wurde nicht nur die aktuelle Lage im Iran und ihr Umgang damit angesprochen, sondern sie legte auch ihre Forderungen für eine effektive Forschung an den wissenschaftlichen Kontext dar.

Čarna Brković (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz )Einklappen
Carna Brkovic

The willing suspension of disbelief: the work of imagination in sustaining moral projects
(Please click for full interview)

Presentation date: July 7, 2023
Interview done by Jonas Kuhnhardt

Čarna Brković is Professor of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and held a presentation titled "The willing suspension of disbelief: the work of imagination in sustaining moral projects” as part of the Anthropological Colloquium 2023 at the Iwalewahaus in Bayreuth.

She published a book “Managing Ambiguity” on clientelism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is currently writing another one titled “Realigning Humanitarianism: Worldmaking from Yugoslav Socialism to Neoliberal Capitalism in the Balkans".

In this interview Prof. Brković talks about how her personal migration background has influenced her scope of research and teaching on activism, political imagination, refugees and clientelism, provides insights into her methodological approach and its challenges and presents her thoughts on how the concept of “Reconfiguring African Studies” by UBT’s Cluster of Excellence - Africa Multiple could be implemented into epistemological processes in non-African contexts.

Annika Lems (Australian National University Canberra)Einklappen
Annika Lems

Stillness as a Political Weapon: Anti-Mobile Placemaking in a Mobile World
(Please click for full interview)

Presentation date: June 20, 2023
Interview done by Annika Langjahr

Annika Lems ist seit 2023 senior lecturer an der australischen national Universität Canberra. Davor hat sie eine Forschungsgruppe am Max Plank Institut zum Thema „Alpine Histories of Global Change: Time, Self and the Other in the German-Speaking Alpine Region“ geleitet. Von dieser Forschung hat sie auch bei der Anthropological Lecture Series erzählt. Davon wie sie zu diesen Themen und auch der Anthropologie im Allgemeinen gekommen ist, hat sie in diesem Interview erzählt. Sie hat von 2009-2013 ihren PhD in Anthropologie and der Swinburne University Melbourne gemacht und war danach zuerst an der dieser Uni und danach and Der Universität Bern als Postdoc. 2022 ist das Buch zu ihrer Forschung in der Schweiz veröffentlicht worden: „Frontiers of Belonging: The Education of Unaccompanied Refugee Youth“.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Prof.Dr. Katharina Schramm

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