Professuren der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht zu den Organisationseinheiten unserer Fachgruppe.

Science and Technology Studies des Globalen Südens
JP Dr. Jia Hui Lee

Sozialanthropologie - Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber
Der Lehrstuhl für Sozialanthropologie an der Universität Bayreuth ist eine dynamische, kooperative wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber. Wir teilen Forschungsinteressen und Expertise in theoretischen Bereichen wie Verwandtschaft, Generationen, Geschlecht, Alter und Lebenslauf, sowie ethnographische Themen, die von Pflege, Klasse und Migration bis hin zu Pandemien, Arbeit und Bildung reichen.

Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie - Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm
Our research, pedagogy and engagement focus on the empirical inquiries and sharing of knowledge produced through critical analyses of categories of differences and their political implications. We investigate how dynamics of knowledge production and communication relate to questions of (in)equality and processes of inclusion and exclusion. Social movements, migration and border regimes, biosocial and economic justice, forms of racialization, and (trans)national politics of belonging count among our diversified empirical fields

Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie mit Fokus Afrika
At the Professorship of Social and Cultural Anthropology with a focus on Africa, we research and teach on a variety of topics related to the African continent, its diaspora, and its relations with Europe. In teaching, the professorship participates in a variety of B.A. and M.A. programs of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences. In research, our goal is to contribute to a reconfiguration of African studies and many of us are part of the Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple. The professorship also maintains international collaborations with partner institutions in Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Chad.

Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie mit Fokus Soziale Zugehörigkeiten JP Dr. Melina C. Kalfelis
My research and teaching are situated at the intersection of social, political, and visual anthropology, and I specialize in phenomenological approaches. Drawing on long-term fieldwork in West Africa and Western Europe, I am currently building a chair that investigates ordinary lifeworlds and practices of violence, crime, and belonging in contexts shaped by histories of global inequality. I am particularly interested in questions on ethics, governance, media, gender, and dynamics of (dis)trust in conflict settings and how these transgress and link intimate, political, and transnational domains of everyday life.