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Prof. Dr. em Georg Klute

Prof. Dr. em Georg Klute

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology


year    2017   2012   2011   2010   2009    all years


Klute, Georg; Hüsken, Thomas
Emerging forms of power in two African borderlands : a theoretical and empirical research outli ...
in Journal of Borderlands Studies volume 25 (2010) issue 2. - page 107-121
doi:10.1080/08865655.2010.9695765 ...

Klute, Georg
Kleinkrieg in der Wüste : nomadische Kriegsführung und die "Kultur des Krieges" bei den Tuareg ...
Die Komplexität der Kriege
Wiesbaden : VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010. - page 188-220 . - (Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen)
http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978 ...

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social Anthropology

Prof. Dr. em Georg Klute
Emeritierter Professor für Ethnologie Afrikas

University of Bayreuth
Building: Zapf Haus 4
Room: 4.4.12a
Nürnberger Straße 38
​D-95448 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4727
E-mail: georg.klute@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Anthropology | Universität Bayreuth

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