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Oumar Abdelbanat


Oumar Abdelbanat
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie et Sciences Humaines (N'Djamena -Tchad)
E-Mail: oumarabdelbanat@gmail.com

Projekt: "Entrepreneuriat digital et changement social: approche anthropologique de l'influence du numérique sur la capacité de résilience et de créativité des jeunes et des femmes au Tchad"


In Chad, in a context of poverty and unequal distribution of resources, young people and women provide for their families through artisanal entrepreneurship. Nowadays, digital technologies offer them more and more visibility and a revaluation of their products. This anthropological research is particularly interested in the capacity for resilience and innovation of these actors. It will based on an empirical approach, to analyse the new dynamics created by digital technology for artisans. This research will focus on three fields: fashion, food, and cosmetics in the city of N’Djamena. The fundamental aim of this project is to understand and document the influence of digital technology on women and young people’s innovative capacity, as well as the revaluation of craft trades via ICTs in Chad.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Nadja Bscherer

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