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Vortrag von Franziska Fay: Thinking Politics with Childhood - An Ethnographic Reflection on Researching Child Protection

09.11.2021, 18.30 Uhr
RW I - S 57


Towards a Political Anthropology of (Child) Protection

In this talk I propose that as anthropologists we need to think increasingly with childhood about the political, and with politics about being young. By drawing on ethnographic insights from my research on child protection interventions in Zanzibar Town, and thinking with the concepts of protection, refusal (Simpson 2017) and interruption (Li 2019), I make a case for considering more seriously what we may gain, both theoretically and practically, at the intersections of political anthropology and an anthropology of childhood.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Nadja Bscherer

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