Team > Dr. PD Tilman Musch

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Gerda Henkel Foundation research
Scientific career
- since 2021: Implementation of the research project "Saharagärten (Saharan gardens)" supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation
- 2022-2024: Coordination of the independent project „An African History of Knowledge and Science Beyond Academic Conventions” at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science / Berlin. Realization of the research project „Sown in the Desert. An Ethnographic Study of How People Adapt Crops to their Environments”.
- 2018-2020: Implementation of the research project "The Tubu Teda's customary law and its contribution to stabiltiy: A citizen-science approach" supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation
- 2013-2016: Management of own research project "Spatial concepts and autochthony among Tubu in eastern Niger", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2011-2013: Research on spatial anthropology among nomads and on ethnobiology, supported by the Anthropology of Africa professorship at the University of Bayreuth, and by the Institut de Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO / Paris)
- 2009-2010: Participation in the project "Nouveaux enjeux dans l'espace saharo-sahelien" (NESS) of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH / Paris)
- 2008-2009: Work on own project "Land and water rights in the Sahel. Local orders and state legislation and their Interdependence" in western Niger and at the University of Bayreuth, sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation
- 2008, 2010: Two short-term scholarships for research in Nigeria (livestock markets, veterinary medicine) from Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA / Ibadan)
- 2007: doctorate in anthropology at Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO / Paris). Dissertation on nomadic spatial concepts among the Buryats (Espaces nomades. Paroles et regards bouriates. L'éleveur face à ses environnements à partir des sources orales)
- 2002-2007: Doctoral studies in anthropology with three years of field research at Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO/ Paris) after master’s studies in Germany and France (Mainz, Dijon and Paris).
List of publications as pdf

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Gerda Henkel Foundation research
Research areas
- West and Central Africa and Siberia
- Spatial anthropology (spatial planning, mobility, land law, migration), nomadism, livestock market, ethnobiology and ethnomedicine
Current research project
- Sahara Gärten ("Saharan gardens")
Funding: Gerda Henkel Stiftung | Duration: 2021 - 2025
Project lead and execution: Dr. Tilman Musch
Located at the Chair of Anthropology of Africa and at the Institute for African Studies (IAS)
The project Saharagärten (“Saharan gardens”), founded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, establishes small-scale gardens in oases of the Central Sahara, using methods close to agroforestry which are adapted to Saharan environments and gardening traditions.
With their innovative technologies (drip irrigation and pumps working with solar energy), they both serve as a sustainable model for horticulture in the desert and contribute to improve the local economic situation.
Link to the press release of idw
Link to the project page.
Research Networks
- Short documentary by Tilman Musch on a Tubu clan festival in the Ennedi:
- Research area photo reportage
- Internet presence on the science portal of the Henkel Foundation
- Internet presence on the science network ORCID

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Gerda Henkel Foundation research
Dr. PD Tilman Musch
Research director
University of Bayreuth
Building: GSP
Room: 06.01.340
D-95445 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5103
Homepage: Anthropology | Universität Bayreuth