Team > PD Dr. Thomas Hüsken

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Anthropology in Africa
Scientific career
- 2021-2024: Head of the research project: Cyrenaica Contested: Politics, Identity and Justice in Times of Turmoil (DFG, own position) at the Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology (to the project)
- 2017-2021: Research associate (independent position) at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth. Research project: Political Orders in the Making - comparative study of emerging forms of political organisation from Libya to Northern Mali (DFG)
- Summer semester 2019 and winter semester 2019/20: Deputy professorship in Freiburg
- April 2018: Habilitation
- 2013 - 2017: Senior Assistant at the Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Lucerne
- 2012 - 2013: Visiting Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich
- 2011: Research associate on the DFG project "African Political Cultures"
- Winter semester 2011/12: Visiting Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna
- 2007: Research associate on the DFG project "The Formation of Non-State Forms of Governance in Contemporary Africa
- 2001-2006: Doctoral researcher in the research group of Prof. Dr. Georg Elwert †, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin; doctorate 2004 supervised by Georg Klute and Dieter Weiss
- 1999-2001: Research associate in the DFG project "The core of experts, opportunities and problems of intercultural communication in projects of German governmental development cooperation
- 1990-1998: Study of social and cultural anthropology and economics at the Free University of Berlin, Magister Artium
Memberships and functions
- Board member of ABORNE (African Borderlands Research Network)
- Review editor of Journal of Anthropology
- Reviewer for Sociologus, Paideuma, Journal of Anthropology, Journal for Religious Studies
- Member of the German Anthropological Association (GAA)
- Member of the Swiss Anthropological Association
- Member of the MENA Network Switzerland
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the Goethe Institute
Other professional activities
- 2000-2006: Advisor for Development Cooperation at the College of the German Foreign Service
- 2000-2005: Advisor at the German Development Institute (GDI)
- 1999-2004: Lecturer for Intercultural Management at the Centre for British Studies of the Humboldt University in Berlin
- 1997-1998: Director of the Section German as a Foreign Language at the Turkish-German School in Berlin
- 1993-1994: Project Assistant at the Al-Qasr Rural Development Project of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Marsa Matuh, Egypt
List of publications as pdf