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Faculty of humanities and social sciences

Cultural and Social Anthropology

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2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    all years

Date News
13.11.2023 Public Anthropology Series: “In defense of sovereignty: When history is stranded between law and fact”, with Prof Dr Theodoros Rakopoulos
13.11.2023 Thiago Pinto Barbosa won the Frobenius research promotion award and the prize of the German Historical Institute London 2023 for his outstanding dissertation.
30.10.2023 Coffi Fidèle Ballo Guede: Congratulations on the successful defence
30.10.2023 Albert Irambeshya: Congratulations on the successful defence
01.10.2023 Information on German courses during the 2023/2024 winter semester
01.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends takes over new tasks at the University of Leipzig
14.06.2023 Book Launch by Koreen Reece on Wednesday, 14 June 2023, 11h15 to 13h: Pandemic Kinship - Families, Intervention, and Social Change in Botswana's Time of AIDS
13.06.2023 Invitation to MIASA Public Lecture Series 2023: Responsibilizing parents to overcome blindness - Changing intergenerational relations through education for all in Northern Benin; Speaker: Prof. Erdmute Alber
16.05.2023 "Increasing Women's Political Presence in West Africa": Invitation to MIASA Conference on 16-17 May 2023 at the University of Ghana
01.05.2023 Prof. Dr Melina Kalfelis will start at the University of Bayreuth on 1 May 2023 as Junior Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology with a Focus on Social Belonging
01.03.2023 Visiting Fellowship for Koreen M. Reece at the University of Glasgow
14.02.2023 Radio interview with Koreen Reece on 'Weddings around the World - Love in Different Cultures and Faiths'
13.02.2023 Research grant for Erdmute Alber at the MIASA

Webmaster: Nadja Bscherer

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