Team > Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Scientifc career
Academic Positions
- since Oct. 2017: Professor for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth
- Oct. 2015 - Sep. 2017: Professor (W2 temporary) at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin; Governance of Global Inequalities
- Apr. 2008 - Sep. 2015: Research associate at the Seminar for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, at the research group chaired by Richard Rottenburg, member of the LOST research group (Law, Organisation, Science and Technology)
- 2005 – 2015: Participation in the research colloquium Law, Organisation, Science and Technology (LOST) of Prof. Richard Rottenburg, participation in doctoral supervision (2011, 2014, 2015 provisional leadership)
- 2005 – 2008: Supervision of doctoral students among other duties in GSAA/SCM
- Aug. 2005 - Mar. 2008: Post-doctoral fellow at the Graduate School Asia and Africa in World Reference Systems (currently: Societies and Cultures in Motion) at Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- 2003 - 2008: Various teaching positions (FU Berlin; MLU Halle-Wittenberg)
- 28/06/2004: Defence of doctoral thesis (summa cum laude). Topic: Struggling over the Past: The Politics of Heritage and Homecoming in Ghana
- 1998 - 2004: Doctorate with Ute Luig and Ayşe Çağlar (FU Berlin)
- 14 Oct. 1997: “Magister” degree (distinction). Topic: Dancing the Nation: Ghanaian cultural policy in the field of tension between nation and global challenge using the example of the Ghana Dance Ensemble
- 1991 - 1997: Studied social and cultural anthropology (Freie Universität Berlin) and African studies (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Academic administrative autonomy
- 2014 - 2015: Examination board of the Faculty of Philosophy I of MLU
- 2011 – 2015: Member of the interdepartmental research cluster Society and Culture in Motion: Diffusion - Experiment - Institution
- 2009 – 2014: Member of the Bologna Reform working group; draft of the bilingual Master's programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology with 45/75/120 LP
- 2009 – 2011: Member of the interfaculty SFB research initiative Translatio
- 2008 – 2015: Study Counselling for Magister and Master’s programmes at the Seminar for Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 2008 – 2013: Curriculum at the Seminar for Social and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Working groups:

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.; Schramm, Katharina
Introduction Thinking as Moving : Knowledge Practices and Decolonial Frames in African Studies
Knowing - Unknowing : African Studies at the Crossroads
Leiden : Brill, 2024. - page 1-27 . - (Africa Multiple; 4)
doi:10.1163/9789004701441_002 ...
Knowing - Unknowing : African Studies at the Crossroads
publ: Schramm, Katharina; Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.
Leiden : Brill, 2024. - XIV, 310 page . - (Africa Multiple; 4)
doi:10.1163/9789004701441 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: The science and politics of genetic ancestry in Brazil and the United States
in American Journal of Biological Anthropology volume 180 (2023) issue 2. - page 411-412
doi:10.1002/ajpa.24648 ...
reviewed: Abel, Sarah: Permanent Markers: Race, Ancestry, and the Body After the Genome. Chapel Hill, NC, 2021
Plümecke, Tino; Schramm, Katharina
Beständige Kopplungen : NaturenKulturen aktueller Rassifizierungen
Un/doing Race : Rassifizierung in der Schweiz
Zürich ; Genf : Seismo, 2022. - page 179-201
doi:10.33058/seismo.30819 ...
Schramm, Katharina; Dube, Mmeli
This is our water : The politics of locality and the commons in the city of Bulawayo
Political Values and Narratives of Resistance : Social Justice and the Fractured Promises of Post-colonial States. 1. Auflage
London : Routledge, 2021. - page 105-123 . - (Routledge Research on Decoloniality and New Postcolonialisms; 11)
doi:10.4324/9781003121244-7 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Race, Genealogy, and the Genomic Archive in Post-apartheid South Africa
in Social Analysis volume 65 (2021) issue 4. - page 49-69
doi:10.3167/sa.2021.650403 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Diasporic Citizenship under Debate
in Current Anthropology volume 61 (2020) issue S22. - page 210-219
doi:10.1086/709745 ...
M’charek, Amade; Schramm, Katharina
Encountering the Face : Unraveling Race
in American Anthropologist volume 122 (2020) issue 2. - page 321-326
doi:10.1111/aman.13390 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Stuck in the Tearoom : Facial Reconstruction and Postapartheid Headache
in American Anthropologist volume 122 (2020) issue 2. - page 342-355
doi:10.1111/aman.13384 ...
Netz, Sabine; Lempp, Sarah; Krause, Kristine; Schramm, Katharina
Claiming citizenship rights through the body multiple
in Citizenship Studies volume 23 (2019) issue 7. - page 637-651
doi:10.1080/13621025.2019.1651041 ...
Balkenhol, Markus; Schramm, Katharina
Doing race in Europe : contested pasts and contemporary practices
in Social Anthropology volume 27 (2019) issue 4. - page 585-593
doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12721 ...
Handle with Care : Post-Colonial Object Matters
publ: Schramm, Katharina; Siegert, Nadine
Bayreuth : iwalewabooks, 2019. - 65 page . - (Iwalewabooks zine; #01)
Schramm, Katharina; Beaudevin, Claire
Sorting, typing, classifying : The elephants in our ethnographic room
in Medicine Anthropology Theory volume 6 (2019) issue 4. - page 276-290
doi:10.17157/mat.6.4.767 ...
Schramm, Katharina; Krause, Kristine; Valley, Greer
Introduction: Voice, noise and silence : Resonances of political subjectivities
in Critical African Studies volume 10 (2018) issue 3. - page 245-256
doi:10.1080/21681392.2019.1610013 ...
Political Subjectivities in Times of Transformation
publ: Schramm, Katharina; Krause, Kristine
Critical African Studies
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Nash, Catherine: Genetic Geographies : The Trouble with Ancestry
in Anthropos volume 112 (2017) issue 1. - page 343-344
Schramm, Katharina
Postkoloniale STS : Einführung
Science and Technology Studies : klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven
Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2017. - page 471-494
Schramm, Katharina; Netz, Sabine
Die Vermessung des Urmenschen : zur Darstellung von Rasse und Rassismus in einer Dresdner Auste ...
in Medizinethnologie : Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt
14. September 2016 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Casts, Bones and DNA : Interrogating the Relationship between Science and Postcolonial Indigene ...
in Anthropology Southern Africa volume 39 (2016) issue 2. - page 131-144
doi:10.1080/23323256.2016.1168267 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Leipzig 100 Years : Kommentar zur Zukunft der Ethnologie
in Allegra Lab
. Januar 2015 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Enacting Differences, Articulating Critique : recent Approaches to Race in the Social Analysis ...
in Science as Culture volume 24 (2015) issue 3. - page 340-350
doi:10.1080/09505431.2015.1050369 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Heritage, Power and Ideology
The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research
London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - page 442-457
Identity Politics and the New Genetics : Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging
publ: Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David; Rottenburg, Richard
Oxford : Berghahn, 2015 . - (Studies of the Biosocial Society; 6)
Schramm, Katharina
On Liberalism, Identity Politics and Race Trouble : What Future for South African Anthropology?
in American Anthropologist volume 117 (2015) issue 4. - page 765
doi:10.1111/aman.12354 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Thinking About Race in an Age of Diversity
Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies
London : Routledge, 2015. - page 52-59
Schramm, Katharina
Vom Horror des Hybriden und der Zelebrierung genetischer Vielfalt : Zur Darstellung von 'Rasse' ...
Handbuch der Medienethnographie
Berlin : Reimer, 2015. - page 319-341
Schramm, Katharina
Wie Phönix aus der Asche : Klassifikation, Erinnerungspolitik und Populationsgenetik in Südafri ...
in Sociologus volume 65 (2015) issue 2. - page 201-224
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Stoecker, Holger ; Schnalke, Thomas ; Winkelmann, Andreas (Hrsg.): Sammeln, Erforschen, Zurückg ...
in H-Soz-Kult (2014) ...
Schramm, Katharina
Neue Technologien - alte Kategorien? : Ethnologische Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Wissens ...
in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie volume 139 (2014) issue 2. - page 233-252
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Probst, Peter: Osogbo and the Art of Heritage. Bloomington, Indiana, 2011
in Journal of Religion in Africa volume 44 (2014) issue 1. - page 127-128
doi:10.1163/15700666-12341275 ...
Technologies of Belonging : the Absent Presence of Race in Europe
publ: M'charek, Amade; Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David
Science, Technology & Human Values
doi:10.1177/0162243914531149 ...
M'charek, Amade; Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David
Technologies of Belonging : the Absent Presence of Race in Europe
in Science, Technology & Human Values volume 39 (2014) issue 4. - page 459-467
doi:10.1177/0162243914531149 ...
M'charek, Amade; Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David
Topologies of Race : doing Territory, Population, and Identity in Europe
in Science, Technology & Human Values volume 39 (2014) issue 4. - page 469-487
doi:10.1177/0162243913509493 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Wade, Peter ; García Deister, Vivette ; Kent, Michael ; Olarte Sierra, Maria Fernanda ; Díaz de ...
in Current Anthropology volume 55 (2014) issue 5. - page 515
doi:10.1086/677945 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Voss, Barbara ; Conlin Casella, Eleanor (Hrsg): The Archaeology of Colonialism : Intimate Encou ...
in H-Soz-Kult (2013) ...
Schramm, Katharina
Ethnographische Positionierung : Situiertes Wissen und die Politik der Intervention
Eingreifen, Kritisieren, Verändern? : Interventionen ethnographisch und gendertheoretisch
Münster : Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2013. - page 220-225 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Ritter, Sabine: Facetten der Sarah Baartman : Repräsentationen und Rekonstruktionen der "Hotten ...
in H-Soz-Kult (2012) ...
Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David; Rottenburg, Richard
Ideas in Motion : Making Sense of Identity and the New Genetics
Identity politics and the new genetics : re/creating categories of difference and belonging
New York : Berghahn Books, 2012. - page 1-29 . - (Studies of the Biosocial Society; 6)
Remembering Violence : Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Tranmission
publ: Argenti, Nicolas; Schramm, Katharina
Oxford : Berghahn, 2012. - 280 page
Schramm, Katharina
Genomics en Route : Ancestry, Heritage and the Politics of Identity Across the Black Atlantic
Identity Politics and the new Genetics : Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging
Oxford : Berghahn, 2011. - page 167-192
Schramm, Katharina; Skinner, David; Rottenburg, Richard
Introduction : Ideas in Motion: Making Sense of Identity and the new Genetics
Identity Politics and the new Genetics : Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging
Oxford : Berghahn, 2011. - page 1-29
Schramm, Katharina
Introduction: Landscapes of Violence : Memory and Sacred Space
in History & Memory volume 23 (2011) issue 1. - page 5-22
doi:10.2979/histmemo.23.1.5 ...
Landscapes of Violence : Memory and Sacred Space
publ: Schramm, Katharina
History & Memory
Schramm, Katharina
The Slaves of Pikworo : Local Histories, Transatlantic Perspectives
in History & Memory volume 23 (2011) issue 1. - page 96-130
doi:10.2979/histmemo.23.1.96 ...
Special Issue on State, Diasporas, Citizenship : New Form of Political Subjectivity in Africa
publ: Krause, Kristine; Schramm, Katharina
African Diaspora
doi:10.1163/187254611X607741 ...
Schramm, Katharina; Krause, Kristine
Thinking through Political Subjecitvity
in African Diaspora volume 4 (2011) issue 2. - page 115-134
doi:10.1163/187254611X607741 ...
Schramm, Katharina
African Homecoming : Pan-African Ideology and Contested Heritage : Struggeling over the past
Walnut Creek, CA : Left Coast Press, 2010. - 319 page
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: AG gegen Rassismus in den Lebenswissenschaften (Hrsg): Gemachte Differenz : Kontinuitäten biolo ...
in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie volume 135 (2010) issue 2. - page 161-164 ...
Argenti, Nicolas; Schramm, Katharina
Introduction : Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmis ...
Remembering Violence : Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission
Oxford : Berghahn, 2010. - page 1-40
Schramm, Katharina
Sankofa-Interpretationen : Schwarze Sebst(er)findung zwischen Vergangenheitsbezug und Zukunftso ...
in Sociologus volume 60 (2010) issue 2. - page 191-217
doi:10.3790/soc.60.2.191 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Negotiating Race : Blackness and Whiteness in the Context of Homecoming to Ghana
in African Diaspora volume 2 (2009) issue 1. - page 3-24
doi:10.1163/187254609x430795 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Reinhardt, Thomas: Geschichte des Afrozentrismus : imaginiertes Afrika und afroamerikanische Id ...
in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie volume 134 (2009) issue 1. - page 152-154 ...
Schramm, Katharina
„Voi ce l’avete, la vostra storia. Giù le mani dalla nostra!“ : Dell’essere respinti sul campo" ...
Vivere l'etnografia
Firence : SEID, 2009. - page 181-197
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Basu, Paul: Highland homecomings : genealogy and heritage tourism in the Scottish diaspora. Lon ...
in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute volume 14 (2008) issue 3. - page 683-684
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00525_17.x ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Darieva, Tsypylma ; Oswald, Ingrid: Erinnerungen an Gewalt. Berlin, 2007
in Zeitschrift für Volkskunde volume 104 (2008) issue 2. - page 290-292
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Holsey, Bayo: Routes of Remembrance : Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana. Chicago, 2008
in Ethnos : Journal of Anthropology volume 73 (2008) issue 4. - page 570-572 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Das Joseph-Projekt : Sklavenhandel, Diaspora, Erinnerungskultur
in Historische Anthropologie volume 16 (2008) issue 2. - page 227-246 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Leaving Area Studies Behind : the Challenge of Diasporic Connections in the Field of African St ...
in African and Black Diaspora volume 1 (2008) issue 1. - page 1-12
doi:10.1080/17528630701676588 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Slave Route Projects : Tracing the Heritage of Slavery in Ghana
Reclaiming Heritage : alternative Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa
Walnut Creek : Left Coast Press, 2008. - page 71-98 ...
Schramm, Katharina
reviewed by: Coe, Cati: Dilemmas of Culture in African Schools : Youth, Nationalism, and the Transformation ...
in Africa Today volume 53 (2006) issue 2. - page 113-115 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Imagined Pasts - Present Confrontations : Literary and Ethnographic Explorations into Pan-Afric ...
Africa, Europe and (Post-)Colonialism : Racism, Migration and Diaspora in African Literatures
Bayreuth : Breitinger, 2006. - page 243-256 . - (Bayreuth African Studies Series; 77)
Schramm, Katharina
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Contemporary Topographies of Memory in Ghana and the USA
in Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana volume 9 (2005) . - page 125-140 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Weiß-Sein als Forschungsgegenstand : Methodenreflexion und "neue Felder" in der Ethnologie
Mythen, Masken und Subjekte : Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland
Münster : Unrast-Verlag, 2005. - page 460-475 ...
Schramm, Katharina
"You have your own history. Keep your hands off ours!" : on being rejected in the field
in Social Anthropology volume 13 (2005) issue 2. - page 171-183
doi:10.1111/j.1469-8676.2005.tb00005.x ...
Schramm, Katharina
Authencity at Stake : Chieftaincy and the Politics of Heritage in Ghana
in Etnofoor volume 17 (2004) issue 2. - page 156-177 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Das Cape Coast Castle als Heterotopie : Geschichte und Gegenwart eines umstrittenen Ortes
Moderne und Postkoloniale Transformation : ethnologische Schrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Ute Luig
Berlin : Weißensee-Verlag, 2004. - page 227-241 . - (Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie; 6) ...
Schramm, Katharina
Coming home to the motherland : Pilgrimage Tourism in Ghana
Reframing Pilgrimage : Cultures in Motion
London : Routledge, 2004. - page 133-149 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Panafricanism as a Ressource : The W. E. B. DuBois Centre for Pan African Culture in Ghana
in African Identities volume 2 (2004) issue 2. - page 151-171
doi:10.1080/1472584042000310874 ...
Schramm, Katharina
Dancing the Nation : Ghanaische Kulturpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Nation und globaler Herausfo ...
Münster : Lit, 2000. - 175 page
Schramm, Katharina
The Politics of Dance : Changing Representations of the Nation in Ghana
in Africa Spectrum volume 35 (2000) issue 3. - page 339-358 ...

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm
Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology
Building: GW II
Room: 00.17
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4170
Homepage: Anthropology | Universität Bayreuth