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Team > Dr. Viola Castellano

Dr. Viola Castellano Dr. Viola Castellano
Dr. Viola Castellano

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Scientific Career

Research Fellow, Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna.
Post-doctoral Fellow, São Paulo Research Foundation, The Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning.
2014-2021Adjunct Professor, Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna.
2013Visiting Scholar, Anthropology Department, Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York.
PhD, Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy.
MA, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnolinguistic, University of Ca’ Foscari Venice.
BA, Anthropological Sciences, University of Bologna.

Dr. Viola Castellano

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Current Project

Gambian Returnees as Producers of Knowledge on the Border Regime- funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)

Research Interests

migration and border policies; welfare systems and social services; inequalities and racialization;  humanitarianism; advocacy.

Dr. Viola Castellano

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology



Castellano, Viola
Social connections and ethical entrapments : On doing anthropology of and through the border re ...
in Anthropological Theory (2024)
doi:10.1177/14634996241247432 ...

Castellano, Viola
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration in The Gambia : Aid Workers and Returnees as Implem ...
Transnational Mobility and Externalization of EU Borders : Social Work, Migration Management, and Resistance
Lanham : Lexington Books, 2024
doi:10.5771/9781666935882 ...

Castellano, Viola
“Time is on me” : Entangled Temporalities Between Italy and the Gambia
in Journal of International Migration and Integration volume 25 (2024) . - page 1153-1168
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007550 ...

Castellano, Viola
(Un)ruly relationalities : Navigating mobility rules in the Italian asylum system
in Focaal (2024) issue 99. - page 68-81
doi:10.3167/fcl.2024.990106 ...


Castellano, Viola; Riccio, Bruno
Migrants' self-narration as cultural critique : Exploring Political Subjectivities through Asyl ...
Anthropological Approaches to Reading Migrant Writing : Reimagining Ethnographic Methods, Knowledge, and Power
New York : Routledge, 2023
doi:10.4324/9781003355151 ...


Castellano, Viola; Casagrande, Olivia
Encountering precarities : ethnography, spurious solidarity and neoliberal academia
in Allegra Lab
. Mai 2023
https://allegralaboratory.net/encountering-precari ...


Castellano, Viola
Unfinished adulthood : discontinuous precarities as epistemic opportunities
in Allegra Lab
. Mai 2023
https://allegralaboratory.net/unfinished-adulthood ...


Castellano, Viola
Set to see us fail : Debating Inequalities in the Child Welfare System of New York
New York : Berghahn, 2023

Castellano, Viola
"Not yet Babylon" : Pensare il sistema di asilo e la gestione delle migrazioni attraverso le so ...
in Antropologia volume 10 (2023) issue 1. - page 21-40
doi:10.14672/ada20231pp21-40 ...

Castellano, Viola
Policies as a Space of Contestation? An Ethnography of Advocacy Practices in the Child Welfare ...
in Rivista di Antropologia Contemporanea (2023) issue 2. - page 311-330
doi:10.48272/112571 ...

Castellano, Viola
Ripensare i processi di precarizzazione come opportunità epistemiche
in Antropologia Pubblica volume 9 (2023) issue 1. - page 189-197
https://riviste-clueb.online/index.php/anpub/artic ...


Castellano, Viola
Voluntary Returns or Forced Choices? Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programs in Th ...
in ROR-n Plattform volume 1 (2022) issue 3. - page 123-131
doi:10.1553/RoR-n_Plattform_Vol_01(3) ...


Castellano, Viola
Da etnografa a operatrice legale e ritorno : nodi epistemici e pratiche di ricerca nel sistema ...
19. Februar 2021

Castellano, Viola
The elephant in the room : Silencing racialization in welfare regimes
in La Ricerca Folklorica (2021) issue 76. - page 67-90

Castellano, Viola
Walking a Fine Line : The Struggle for Parent Advocacy in the NYC Child Welfare System
in City & Society volume 33 (2021) issue 3. - page 518-541
doi:10.1111/ciso.12416 ...


Castellano, Viola
Revolving door : I servizi per i minori e la riproduzione delle disuguaglianze a New York
Bergamo : Edizioni Junior, 2018


Castellano, Viola
The Politics of Racial Disproportionality of the Child Welfare System in New York
Boundaries within: Nation, Kinship and Identity among Migrants and Minorities
Cham : Springer, 2017. - page 53-74
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53331-5_4 ...

Castellano, Viola
"We only have rights over operators" : La riappropriazione del "regime di sospetto" da parte de ...
in Antropologia Pubblica volume 3 (2017) issue 1. - page 51-74
doi:10.1473/anpub.v3i1.96 ...


Castellano, Viola
Antropologia e migrazioni
Rom : CISU, 2014. - page 209-220

Castellano, Viola
Vivere le disuguaglianze urbane attraverso le istituzioni : il child welfare system a New York ...
Milano : Il Saggiatore, 2014. - page 68-88
https://aisberg.unibg.it/bitstream/10446/32787/3/c ...

Dr. Viola Castellano

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Dr. Viola Castellano
Senior Research Associate

University of Bayreuth
Building: GW II, Room: 00.21
Universitätsstraße 30
​D-95447 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4134
E-mail: viola.castellano@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Anthropology of Global Inequalities

Webmaster: Janine Nagat

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