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Foto: Tilman Musch

Saharagärten "Sahara gardens"

Funding: Gerda Henkel Stiftung

Duration: 2021 - 2024

Project lead and execution: Dr. Tilman Musch

Located at the Chair of Anthropology of Africa and at the Institute for African Studies (IAS)


The project Saharagärten (“Saharan gardens”), founded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, establishes small-scale gardens in oases of the Central Sahara, using methods close to agroforestry which are adapted to Saharan environments and gardening traditions.

With their innovative technologies (drip irrigation and pumps working with solar energy), they both serve as a sustainable model for horticulture in the desert and contribute to improve the local economic situation.

Link to the press release of the University of Bayreuth.

Link to the project page.

Webmaster: Nadja Bscherer

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