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Faculty of humanities and social sciences

Cultural and Social Anthropology

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Alumni retention survey - be sure to take part


Target Group:

Former BA and/or MA students of Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, and/or African Studies (KuGeA) at the University of Bayreuth.


We are conducting a study on the career paths of our graduates and need your help. We kindly ask you to participate in our survey.

You might also know former classmates who could participate. The more alumni who take part, the more valid our results will be.

With this questionnaire, we aim to learn more about your professional and personal journey after graduation. Understanding the career paths and experiences of our alumni allows us to better advise our current students and provide them with valuable insights for their future careers. By knowing the fields our graduates work in, we can gauge the societal impact of our programs. Additionally, we are interested in the significance of your studies for you personally and professionally. Your responses will also provide us with valuable feedback to further improve the quality of our programs. We plan to present the results at an alumni meeting on July 18-19, 2025, at the University of Bayreuth.

Time Commitment:

Please take about 15 minutes to answer our questions. The survey is available until February 15. We thank you in advance for your participation and openness. Your responses will be treated confidentially and evaluated anonymously.

Survey Link:


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